Week 2 - Summer Camp - Pippi Langstrumpf
Week 2 - Summer Camp - Pippi Langstrumpf
Pippi Langstrumpf is the quintessential independent child. She knows how to do so many things by herself and she is so strong that she can lift a horse! She knows how to bake “Pfefferkuchen” and creates her own Math. We will get to know Pippi and her friends Tommy and Annika well and learn the title song of the famous 1970 TV-series. The campers will feel like Pippi as they will all get a pair of Pippi socks. For our weekly excursion we will spend the morning in Central Park and see what Scavenger Hunt she prepared for us!
Like always at Rella’s Summer Camp, after 15 minutes of free play at arrival we start the day in the circle and learn the basics: ABC, numbers, colors, shapes, new vocabulary, song and books related to the theme of the week. Then we head over to the arts and crafts area where the work on our white books starts.
Now we’ll enjoy a hearty snack, followed by a second period of fun learning. Around 10:30/45am we’ll head to Central Park (1/2 block away) for lunch and water fun. The kids that are napping will return around 12:30pm. Kids that don’t nap stay in the park and return around 2:30pm.
After Care is from 3-5pm.