Week 3 - Summer Camp - Ritter


Week 3 - Summer Camp - Ritter

Sale Price:$755.00 Original Price:$799.00

How did a child become a “Ritter" 600 years ago? Did they go to school just like our kids today? How was daily life on a “Burg?” What is a “Ritterrüstung?” What kind of music did people in the Middle Ages enjoy? These and many other questions will be investigated during our week of “Ritter.” The children will get a realistic idea of what life looked like on a “Rittersburg,” and we will also read the book of a little knight, who was afraid of horses. And on Thursday, we will visit the Arms and Armor Exhibit at the MET Museum.

After a short period of free play at arrival, we start the camp day in the circle and learn the basics: ABC, numbers, colors, shapes, new vocabulary, songs, and books related to the theme of the week. Then, we head over to the arts and crafts area, where we will start working on our projects.
Now, we’ll enjoy a hearty snack, and around 10:30/45am we’ll head to Central Park, half a block away. We will return from the park around 12:15pm for lunch. The younger children will start napping around 1pm and the older children will be offered a second period of fun learning.
After Care is from 3-5pm.

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